Rob Gronkowski is a part of WWE now, for better or worse. While the exact extent of his involvement with the promotion is unknown, it seems only a matter of time before "Gronk" finds his way from host of WrestleMania 36 to in-ring competitor. The former NFL superstar tight end would be far from the first crossover star from another sport to step into the squared circle. From former NFL stars William "Refrigerator" Perry and Lawrence Taylor in past decades to heavyweight boxing star Tyson Fury just this past November, the crossover attraction is a page out of an old WWE playbook.

But what would be the best option for a Gronkowski program in the modern WWE picture -- a picture currently complicated by the global coronavirus pandemic? Gronkowski has previously said he doesn't want to be a full-time wrestler, rather he wants to "do one crazy match."

So, let's take a look at three options for Gronk's eventual "crazy match" as he begins his journey as a key piece of WWE programming moving forward past the unique WrestleMania we're about to witness. 

1. King Corbin: Corbin seems the most likely choice of anyone to be Gronkowski's first opponent. In Gronkowski's debut on the March 20 edition of SmackDown to celebrate his role as WrestleMania host, Corbin interrupted Gronkowski and Mojo Rawley, leading to the duo pulling the grade-school prank of Gronk shoving Corbin backward to trip over a crouching Rawley.

Corbin has the right heel persona to carry a program through dastardly acts and big talk. The other benefit to Corbin filling the role is that it derails no programs featuring WWE's top players. Corbin has been tangled up with Elias since his feud with Roman Reigns came to an end, but Corbin vs. Elias doesn't feel like a program that needs to go beyond WrestleMania. Gronkowski could get involved to aid Elias in getting the win and thus kick off the program with Corbin.

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2. Mojo Rawley: In terms of options Grokowski would be most comfortable with, Rawley would fit the bill. The two are "bros" dating back years and likely have already put in a good amount of practice together, whether planned or spur-of-the-moment goofing around. The two are well-known as friends and all of Gronkowski's previous interactions, dating back to involving himself in Rawley's win in the 2017 WrestleMania battle royal, have involved his longtime buddy. 

In addition to the comfort the two would have working together, Rawley has never found the character to cash in with on WWE's biggest stage; from boisterous bro to screaming at himself in a mirror to an uninspired run as 24/7 champion, nothing has clicked. Turning on his famous friend could be the spark Rawley needs to become something more than he has been able to achieve thus far on the main roster.

3. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode: The other option for a Gronkowski match is to stick him in a tag team with Rawley. As previously explained, they're legitimate friends and the dynamic would provide a level of comfort to Gronkowski. In one capacity or another, it seems a sure bet Rawley will be involved in anything Gronk does. Rather than sitting as an opponent or simply being in his corner, the two could team up and take even more pressure off the former multi-time Super Bowl winner.

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Ziggler and Roode are similar to Corbin in their benefits as opponents. They're good hands in the ring and both can talk up the match in ways that may offset the looser charisma of Rawley and Gronkowski and, just like Corbin, their involvement would not derail other top stars from bigger and more important programs like the potentially challenging SmackDown tag champs Miz & John Morrison. They may not be the sexiest options as opponents, but they'd get the job done in one of the most efficient ways possible.