If you thought Mexico's 1-0 win over Germany on Sunday in the 2018 FIFA World Cup was a world-shaking victory, you'd be right in the most literal sense.

At almost exactly the same time Hirving Lozano put Mexico on the board in the first half of Sunday's historic decision, at least two sensors inside Mexico City detected an earthquake, according to SIMMSA, a "seismic monitoring network" operated by the area's Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Research.

But it wasn't just any old 'quake, and the ground didn't start shaking out of pure coincidence. Or at least that's what SIMMSA reported on Twitter, suggesting the earthquake was "artificially" created by "massive jumps" in the city during Lozano's decisive goal.

That's right. It means Mexico celebrated its goal -- well before the day's epic victory was sealed, no less -- so hard that it created its own earthquake.

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As if future opponents needed any more reason to be scared about playing them and their fans.