It's not often that a team coached by Bill Belichick takes a beating, that but that's exactly what happened during the first half of Super Bowl LI. 

When the Patriots headed into the locker room for halftime, they were trailing the Falcons 21-3. In the second half, things turned around though, with the Patriots outscoring Atlanta 31-7. 

So what exactly spurred the second half comeback? 

Former Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett, who signed with Green Bay this offseason, recently sat down with for an interview where he described what New England's demeanor after being embarrassed during the first half of the NFL's biggest game. 

"The Super Bowl, we're down, we're getting our ass kicked," Bennett said. "When we came into the locker room at halftime, there was no bickering, there was no bitching, there was no complaining, there was no moaning, there was no throwing chairs."

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Bennett also noted that there was no magical speech from Belichick or anyone else on the team. 

"There was none of this epic 'We're going to come back,' 'Rudy,' 'Remember the Titans'-type speech. There was none of that TV [expletive]," Bennett said. "When you looked around the locker room, you didn't see anyone that was discouraged, you didn't see doubt in anyone's eyes, and that's like all 53 guys. You looked around and you could see that everybody was determined to figure out what they could do to help us win."

According to Bennett, the biggest factor in the Patriots record-setting comeback was the adjustments that Belichick and the coaching staff made at halftime. 

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"So we went back out there at halftime, we kind of got up, coach gave all the coaching points, all the changes," Bennett said. "Everybody was like, 'Alright, coach. This is the plan you have, coach. I trust you. This is what you think is going to win. That's exactly what we're going to do. And I'm going to do my part, my small equation of the 11 that's on the field at the time.'"

The craziest part of the Bennett's description is that before the Patriots took the field for the second half, they apparently mentioned that they were going to make a comeback. 

"[We] put our hands up, 'Hey, this is going to be written in the history books. Patriots on three. One, two, three, Patriots, break.' And the rest is history," Bennett said.

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Apparently, some of the credit for the comeback also goes to Belichick's favorite slogan, "Do you job."

"Our slogan for our team was 'Do your job,' so it was the most focused I've ever been on just my task," Bennett said. "There was plays where I had to do certain things, but I wouldn't even know who caught the ball because I was so focused on getting my job done. I felt like everybody was clicking."

Everyone was definitely clicking over the final 21:08 of the game. During that span, which included the final 2:10 of the third quarter, the Patriots outscored the Falcons 31-0, which we probably didn't need to mention because it almost feels like we're torturing fans in Atlanta every time we bring it up. 

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