Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is getting sick of the coronavirus lockdown. In a recent interview with Green Bay media, he compared the restrictions throughout the nation to being on "house arrest."

"For many of us — and I've seen a lot of comments on this and obviously my story coming back from Peru before the country kind of went into a lockdown — I think we all were buying into the idea of quarantine to flatten the curve and I think there are a lot of questions now that it's more of a house arrest to find a cure with people wondering exactly what that means as far as the future of the country and the freedoms we're allowed to have at this point," Rodgers said.

Rodgers was in Peru as the coronavirus pandemic began hitting countries hard. The Packers quarterback was able to leave the country and get back to the United States with not much time to spare before lockdown orders hindered international travel. His message is now one that is resonating, as protests surrounding the lockdown have happened across the country. States such as Florida and Georgia have already eased their stay-at-home orders, but many other states still have lockdown orders in effect.

It's unclear if the 2020 NFL season will be affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As of right now, the season is slated to begin on time in the fall. Rodgers of course wants the NFL season to start on time, but said the there are bigger problems facing the country right now:

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"I'm very hopeful that we can have a [football] season. I think the important think to think about, though, which is more important than that, is the state of the country and the fact that we have 36-plus million people on unemployment right now, we have rising poverty levels to go along with the unemployment, you have suicide hotline is up 8,000 percent. There's really a lot of problems going on in the country right now associated with the fear around this pandemic and I hope that we can use some common sense moving forward and make decisions that are going to be in the best interest of all people moving forward, and I hope that sports is a part of that at some point."

Rodgers has never been afraid to speak his mind and when it comes to the pandemic that is sweeping the nation, that fact remains the same.