One of the major criticisms out there about Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James is that he's a whiner -- constantly complaining to referees about missed calls despite arguably being the recipient of consistently favorable calls due to his superstar status.

The internet found a perfect representation of LeBron's so-called whining in the now-infamous Crying LeBron Face. The face has been Photoshopped onto thousands of images throughout the years, and now it has even been tattooed onto someone's leg.

Accoding to CNN, the brave recipient of the artwork is Kalen Gilleese of Salt Lake City.

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"He's always flopping, crying, looking for fouls. I've never had a lot of respect for him," Gilleese told CNN.

The tattoo was done by Preston Schooley, a tattoo artist who is also Gilleese's friend and roommate, and he couldn't believe that Gilleese actually went through with it. Gilleese plans to make the image a piece of a larger leg sleeve with a sports legend theme.

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"LeBron is definitely a legend," he said. "But he's the biggest crybaby legend of all time."