Derrick Rose took a lot of flack for his comments about New York being a "super-team" earlier this summer, but the Knicks guard isn't backing down from that.

"I still believe that," Rose said of his team being a super-team. "With that super-team term, I have to be careful with that term, I guess in the United States. "

What's kind of funny is that Rose then went on to list the players on the Knicks, listing Carmelo Anthony, Joakim Noah, Courtney Lee, Brandon Jennings ... and Kevin Seraphin. Except Seraphin was a free agent and was not re-signed by the Knicks.

Derrick Rose stands by his comment about New York being a super-team. Getty Images

Maybe this was Rose giving up insider information as New York plans to add the former Wizards big man back onto the roster. But it seems more like Rose just blanked, which can happen if you're speaking in public. Not like Rose has done a detailed analysis of New York's situation. It is kind of humorous, though.

Either way, Rose is not backing down from his comments. We took a look at what exactly makes a super-team earlier this summer.

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