
With a return to Saudi Arabia for Super ShowDown looming, WWE used Raw as an opportunity to line up a new challenger for Brock Lesnar and the WWE championship. In a surprising turn of events, Ricochet was able to outlast Bobby Lashley and Seth Rollins in a triple threat main event to earn his shot at the crown with WrestleMania on the horizon.

In addition to Ricochet's big moment, there was a trio of surprise appearances on the show. Ruby Riott reemerged with a shocking turn on a former Riott Squad member, Angel Garza made a splash in his main roster debut and Rhea Ripley threw down a huge challenge to the most decorated woman in WWE history.

Let's take a look at what went down when Raw came to Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Ricochet earns Super ShowDown title shot

AOP, Buddy Murphy and Seth Rollins cut a backstage promo early in the show. Murphy said their opponents for the night, Kevin Owens and the Viking Raiders, were working harder, not smarter, and their main concern for the night was on Rollins' opportunity to earn a title shot at Super ShowDown. At that point, Rollins showed up and allowed his followers to leave before talking about the opportunity that fell in his lap to earn a shot at Brock Lesnar despite having lost in the Royal Rumble. Rollins said McIntyre should shift his focus for WrestleMania to a match against him, not Lesnar. 

Ricochet and Lashley both cut backstage promos later in the night, with Ricochet talking about his underdog status after helping McIntyre eliminate Lesnar from the Royal Rumble and Lashley saying he'd lay waste to Rollins and Ricochet before beating Lesnar at Super ShowDown.

AOP & Buddy Murphy def. Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders via pinfall in an elimination match with Rezar last eliminating Owens. Rollins hit a stomp on Erik on the outside after Ivar was hurt on the outside. Murphy pinned Erik for the first elimination before Ivar was forced to the back by medical staff and officials, leaving Owens alone against Murphy and AOP. Owens, never being one to run from a fight, went ahead in an attempt to beat the odds. Owens hit Murphy with a pop-up powerbomb to score an elimination, leaving him to face AOP. He then hit Akam with a stunner to score another elimination and even the odds to one-on-one. Rollins slapped Rezar and told him he had to get it done, but Rezar was almost finished off right away by an Owens Swanton. Rollins stepped onto the apron to provide a distraction and allow Rezar to hit a pair of spinebusters for the pin and the victory.

Ricochet def. Bobby Lashley (via pinfall) & Seth Rollins after a 630 splash on Lashley to become No. 1 contender to the WWE championship. With no disqualifications in a triple threat match, Rollins was given a big advantage when Murphy ran to the ring and shoved Ricochet off the top rope while AOP attacked Lashley. Owens' music hit, and the Viking Raiders attacked from behind before the trio chased off Rollins' backup. After an avalanche spot from the corner, Rollins was launched from the ring. That allowed Ricochet to head up to the top rope and hit the 630 on Lashley for the pin, the win and a shot at Lesnar. Immediately following the final bell, Lesnar sprinted to the ring and delivered an F-5 on Ricochet before posing with the title as the show went off the air.

Ricochet vs. Lesnar falls strongly in the "who woulda thought?" camp just a couple years back. Now, it stands out as a unique match that plays to Lesnar's strengths. The best in-ring action in Lesnar's recent career has come against smaller underdogs like Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles. Ricochet will be the latest to promise a hit-and-run approach on "The Beast," and might drag a sneaky good match out of Lesnar. Or, alternatively, he could go down in seconds like Kofi Kingston. Either way, let's hear it for Ricochet getting a title shot on a pay-per-view. Grade: B+

Rhea Ripley throws down a WrestleMania challenge

Charlotte Flair came to the ring after teasing yet again that she would announce which champion she would challenge at WrestleMania after winning this year's women's Royal Rumble match. She said she has already held the Raw and SmackDown women's titles, as the crowd chanted Rhea Ripley's name. Flair said she has love for NXT before beginning to speak again only to be interrupted by Ripley's music and the NXT women's champ walking to the ring. Ripley backed up the idea that Flair could challenge for any of the women's titles in WWE and agreeing that Flair had beaten both Bayley and Becky Lynch before pointing out that she had beaten Flair prior to Survivor Series. With Ripley holding up the belt and the crowd chanting "YES!" Flair smiled and left the ring without a response. When she hit the top of the ramp, Flair turned and gave a single "woo" before exiting. Later in the night, it was announced Flair would be on NXT this Wednesday night to answer Ripley's challenge.

Flair is dragging out her official challenge for WrestleMania, but Ripley trying to push her into challenging for the NXT title is a welcome development. Flair vs. Lynch feels like the very "standard" WWE direction of throwing the two biggest stars in the division together yet again for the biggest event of the year, but opting instead for a fresh showdown between Flair and Ripley while also continuing to elevate NXT as a brand would be a great option. This segment was short and to the point, but sometimes that's the best thing in pro wrestling. Grade: B+ 

What else happened on Raw?

  • Randy Orton opened the show with an in-ring promo. After a video package recapping the return of Edge at Royal Rumble and Orton's subsequent attack on the following night's Raw, Orton made his way to the ring for his first comments on his actions. Orton tried to speak, only to stop repeatedly as the crowd showered him with boos. After more interruptions and hesitation by the former multi-time champion, he announced "I can't do this," before laying the microphone down and walking to the back.
  • Liv Morgan def. Lana via pinfall after a Flatliner. Lana faked a hand injury early, only to use it to set up a cheap shot. That only worked momentarily before Morgan hit a rope-assisted Flatliner for the quick victory. After more than half-of-a-year out of action, Ruby Riott's music hit following Morgan's win. As Morgan went to embrace her old Riott Squad partner, Riott turned on her, beating her down before leaving Morgan to take a brief few shots from Lana as well.
  • Drew McIntyre def. Mojo Rawley via pinfall after a Claymore Kick. Rawley's 24/7 championship was not on the line in the match. Before the bout, McIntyre cut a promo about facing Lesnar at WrestleMania, first telling Rawley that when he was done talking, he'd put the microphone down and "Claymore your head off." That is exactly what happened, as he finished the promo, set the microphone down and hit the Claymore Kick on Rawley the second the bell rang to score the win.
  • Aleister Black def. Eric Young via pinfall with Black Mass. Following the match, Black continued to talk about knocking down the entire Raw roster.
  • Rey Mysterio def. Angel Garza via disqualification when Garza hit a hammerlock DDT on exposed ringside concrete. Carrillo was out for a match when Zelina Vega walked out with Garza, Carrillo's cousin. After arguing back and forth over whether Carrillo was a disgrace to his family and all Latinos, Garza hit Carrillo with the Wing Clipper. Garza was attempting to hit the move on the concrete after Vega removed the padding from ringside when Mysterio made the save to set up an impromptu match between the former WWE champ and the debuting Garza. The two had a lengthy, very good match before Garza hit Mysterio with a hammerlock DDT on the still-exposed concrete at ringside, leading to an immediate calling for the bell by the referee.
  • Asuka def. Natalya via submission with the Asuka Lock. Back-and-forth action in a lengthy match before Kairi Sane got involved to help Asuka lock in the finish.
  • Becky Lynch accepted a rematch challenge from Asuka. After winning her match against Natalya, Asuka grabbed the microphone and called out Lynch, saying she wanted a rematch after losing to the Raw women's champ at Royal Rumble. Lynch immediately came to the ring and accepted, saying the only thing more fun than "beating Asuka's ass" would be doing it twice. The title showdown was later announced as official for next week on Raw.