Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
A. Atkins G Ariel Atkins G 40 40 29.9 14.9 217 497 43.7 79 221 35.7 84 99 84.8
B. Sykes G Brittney Sykes G 18 18 23.4 12.2 81 200 40.5 16 59 27.1 42 56 75.0
S. Austin C Shakira Austin C 12 11 19.9 11.8 52 121 43.0 1 4 25.0 36 54 66.7
S. Dolson C Stefanie Dolson C 39 39 25.9 9.5 133 280 47.5 72 155 46.5 33 42 78.6
S. Kone F Sika Kone F 10 0 16.0 8.6 29 67 43.3 4 7 57.1 24 27 88.9
K. Samuelson G Karlie Samuelson G 29 19 24.6 8.4 79 193 40.9 49 123 39.8 36 39 92.3
M. Hines-Allen F Myisha Hines-Allen F 27 10 19.1 8.0 86 176 48.9 14 39 35.9 29 35 82.9
A. Edwards F Aaliyah Edwards F 34 17 21.8 7.6 103 210 49.0 0 7 0.0 52 80 65.0
S. Walker-Kimbrough G Shatori Walker-Kimbrough G 40 2 22.1 7.5 105 253 41.5 35 106 33.0 54 67 80.6
J. Vanloo G Julie Vanloo G 40 34 23.2 7.4 106 306 34.6 72 222 32.4 10 15 66.7
E. Engstler F Emily Engstler F 32 3 14.5 6.2 76 155 49.0 27 57 47.4 18 22 81.8
J. Melbourne G Jade Melbourne G 37 0 14.1 5.4 72 166 43.4 20 56 35.7 35 49 71.4
D. Richards G DiDi Richards G 19 7 10.4 2.4 20 49 40.8 0 4 0.0 6 14 42.9
J. Brown-Turner G Jakia Brown-Turner G 2 0 4.0 1.0 0 1 0.0 0 0 2 2 100.0
S. Sutton G Sug Sutton G 7 0 7.3 0.6 2 7 28.6 0 4 0.0 0 0
Team 79.3 1161 2681 43.3 389 1064 36.6 461 601 76.7
Opponents 82.3 1172 2643 44.3 311 933 33.3 636 800 79.5

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
S. Austin C Shakira Austin C 12 11 21 61 82 6.8 15 1.30 11 0.90
A. Edwards F Aaliyah Edwards F 34 17 48 143 191 5.6 25 0.70 27 0.80
M. Hines-Allen F Myisha Hines-Allen F 27 10 27 105 132 4.9 15 0.60 2 0.10
S. Dolson C Stefanie Dolson C 39 39 33 160 193 4.9 21 0.50 18 0.50
S. Kone F Sika Kone F 10 0 7 36 43 4.3 4 0.40 2 0.20
B. Sykes G Brittney Sykes G 18 18 11 62 73 4.1 16 0.90 7 0.40
E. Engstler F Emily Engstler F 32 3 44 84 128 4.0 19 0.60 24 0.80
A. Atkins G Ariel Atkins G 40 40 36 99 135 3.4 59 1.50 17 0.40
K. Samuelson G Karlie Samuelson G 29 19 15 59 74 2.6 27 0.90 1 0.00
S. Walker-Kimbrough G Shatori Walker-Kimbrough G 40 2 13 56 69 1.7 42 1.10 18 0.50
J. Vanloo G Julie Vanloo G 40 34 5 60 65 1.6 19 0.50 1 0.00
D. Richards G DiDi Richards G 19 7 10 19 29 1.5 2 0.10 4 0.20
J. Melbourne G Jade Melbourne G 37 0 13 42 55 1.5 24 0.60 5 0.10
S. Sutton G Sug Sutton G 7 0 0 4 4 0.6 2 0.30 0 0.00
J. Brown-Turner G Jakia Brown-Turner G 2 0 0 1 1 0.5 1 0.50 0 0.00
Team 283 991 1274 31.9 291 7.30 137 3.40
Opponents 326 1088 1414 35.4 332 8.30 135 3.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
J. Vanloo G Julie Vanloo G 40 34 173 4.3 102 2.6 1.7
B. Sykes G Brittney Sykes G 18 18 55 3.1 40 2.2 1.4
A. Atkins G Ariel Atkins G 40 40 124 3.1 92 2.3 1.3
M. Hines-Allen F Myisha Hines-Allen F 27 10 73 2.7 39 1.4 1.9
S. Dolson C Stefanie Dolson C 39 39 103 2.6 68 1.7 1.5
K. Samuelson G Karlie Samuelson G 29 19 62 2.1 25 0.9 2.5
S. Walker-Kimbrough G Shatori Walker-Kimbrough G 40 2 75 1.9 54 1.4 1.4
J. Melbourne G Jade Melbourne G 37 0 58 1.6 62 1.7 0.9
E. Engstler F Emily Engstler F 32 3 47 1.5 22 0.7 2.1
S. Sutton G Sug Sutton G 7 0 10 1.4 5 0.7 2.0
A. Edwards F Aaliyah Edwards F 34 17 48 1.4 50 1.5 1.0
S. Kone F Sika Kone F 10 0 11 1.1 9 0.9 1.2
S. Austin C Shakira Austin C 12 11 11 0.9 29 2.4 0.4
D. Richards G DiDi Richards G 19 7 13 0.7 7 0.4 1.9
J. Brown-Turner G Jakia Brown-Turner G 2 0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Team 863 21.6 651 15.1
Opponents 803 20.1 600 15.0
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