Japanese television game shows continuously find ways to amaze us, and this week we got yet another gem. In what is basically the sports version of "would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses," we have been gifted three adult-sized soccer players versus 100 half-sized soccer players.

The three adults are Japanese national team players Hotaru Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Kiyotake and Yosuke Ideguch. As it turns out, the sum of their skill was greater than the sum of the 100 tiny bodies opposing them.

There may be no better video in the world to sum up the entire experience of youth soccer than this one right here. Just swarms of children excitedly chasing the ball in chaotic packs until failure. 

The 30-30-30-10 formation is really something to behold, but it must be said that the group of goalkeepers really let the rest of the pint-sized army down in this exhibition. They seemed to have them stopped clean, but they failed to remember that they were allowed to use their hands and secure the ball. Thus, they awarded possession back to the pros and came to regret it.

Until next time -- bless you, Japanese television.