Any time an NFL team decides to change its logo, we always see "leaked" versions that aren't necessarily the real ones. But the leaked Dolphins logo that popped up on the Internet over the last 48 hours -- first appearing on -- is the real deal.

Dolphins CEO Mike Dee confirmed as much following his press conference discussing the new publicly-funded stadium renovation they're hawking.

"It was leaked by somebody at Nike," Dee said on Tuesday. "We had always had a plan to kind of roll it out over a 30-day period so we’re going to start rolling it out. But the logo is only one part of the announcement. It’s a complete re-branding of the team."

Dolphins defensive end Jared Odrick played a little bit of a spoiler role on Wednesday as well, tweeting that he received a "whole new wardrobe" at his locker and then firing out a picture of him wearing a t-shirt with the new Dolphins logo.

This leaked version of the helmet is also all over the WWW:

The logo isn't actually supposed to be out there until April 25 but Dee said since it's leaked out the team is "going to have some fun with it" leading up to the official announcement.

There’s a lot of other elements to the announcement on draft night than just the logo," Dee said. "But now that the logo is out there we’re going to have some fun with it. Players are excited to adorn the new clothing. You’ll see it around here over the next 30 days leading to the big announcement on April 25th."

Does this remind anyone else of Mike Wallace's signing? Worst-kept secret in the NFL, team openly flaunting it, expensive and maybe something that won't work out over the long haul.

Love it? Hate it? Indifferent? Just wondering where Snowflake is? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.