Greg Olsen is in a very, very cold tub. (Twitter)

What is Pro Bowl tight end Greg Olsen up to these days? Glad you asked.

Well, now. In case you're wondering, -135 degrees Celsius works out to -211 degrees Farenheit. That seems... cold. And dangerous, right? Definitely seems like it would make someone freeze. Oh well, I'm not going to question it.

But what did the Panthers organization think of Olsen's new recovery strategy?

They thought it was groovy, baby, yeah!

Here at EOF, though, we've got other ideas. We think it's entirely possible that this is what Olsen looked like before he stepped in the cryo tub...

Greg Olsen pre-transformation. (Demolition Man)

...and this is what he looked like after.

Greg Olsen post-transformation. (Demolition Man)

That's right. Greg Olsen is... DEMOLITION MAN. Mystery solved. You're welcome.