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Most of us have heard the quote about how life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Aaron Rodgers, the New York Jets' veteran quarterback and four-time league MVP, clearly subscribes to that line of thinking. 

Rodgers recently opened up about last year's Achilles injury that wiped out the majority of his first season with the Jets. The 40-year-old acknowledged that, while last year was a trying time in many ways for him, he was about to find several silver linings. 

Here's an exert of what Rodgers said about the experience during an interview with the Jets' in-house podcast. 

"It was those times being back with the guys, being in the locker room, being on the sideline, that kind of got me through. Because it was, you know, a tough year, but so many beautiful things came out of this that I am thankful for that only could have happened had things gone down the way they did. 

"I think that's the right perspective to have in life, because life is either happening to us or for us. And if we always believe it's happening to us, there's some victim mindsets and woe is me that sets in that doesn't lead to a lot of positivity if we believe it's happening for us, and even in the darkest moments of frustration and disappointment, there's some beauty to be found in the in the void. 

"I'm thankful for the lessons I learned in the process and hopefully it made me a better teammate, a better person, a better quarterback in the long run." 

Based on those comments, last season's injury could ultimately be a blessing in disguise for both Rodgers and the Jets. If anything, the injury may have provided some much-needed perspective about how to navigate the noise that reached a crescendo when Rodgers suffered his Achilles injury in Week 1. 

Things are quieter this time around, although Rodgers' recent success at OTAs is generating some buzz. It appears that, after a season of turmoil, Rodgers and the Jets are ready to make headlines on the field in 2024. 

The injury, in Rodgers' words, also made him better in various aspects, including as a quarterback. That's certainly good news for the Jets, given that Rodgers is already considered to be one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. It's clear that the support Rodgers got from his teammates last season has led to a closer bond within the locker room. 

Rodgers' comments are also noteworthy in that he was willing to share some of his vulnerability, which is something that hasn't always been embraced in both sports and society. By sharing his, Rodgers --  inadvertently or not -- may very well be inspiring the next generation of athletes to do the same.