A few weeks ago, the official trailer for the New England Patriots documentary Do Your Job hit the Internet. It looked awesome. We covered it right here. Check out the trailer again right now.

Back? OK. Good. On Wednesday the NFL released a clip from the documentary, spotlighting Bill Belichick's instantly famous, "We're on to Cincinnati" press conference.

That clip could not be more Belichickian if it tried. So many curt footballisms in so little time. He basically just repeated the press conference answers using slightly different words. "We've got to turn the page. We're not gonna sit there and talk about the Kansas City game for the rest of the season any more than we would talk about any of our big wins for day after day after day. You know, it's 24 hours after the game, you've got to move on."

And then, just because he knows we're all thinking it, the hooded one has to confirm: "I could have done it three times. I could have done it 53 times. It could have been 103 times if that's what they wanted to keep asking because we had to turn the page. And we had. I'd say we had."

This thing is going to be must-see TV. It premieres Sept. 9, 2015 at 8 p.m. eastern on NFL Network.

This is a man that is on to Cincinnati. (YouTube)