javascript:mctmp(0);Mike Malone and Boogie Cousins got along.  (Getty)
Mike Malone and Boogie Cousins got along. (Getty)

DeMarcus Cousins told reporters Monday that he wasn't told of the Sacramento Kings' decision to fire coach Mike Malone ahead of time, that he found out on Twitter along with the rest of the world. The Kings haven't formally announced the move yet. 

Cousins also said the firing was "emotional" and that he felt like he was partially responsible for being out with viral meningitis while the Kings struggled, which is obviously unfair to him.

Cousins is the biggest question mark in this move. He and his first coach, Paul Westphal butted heads as Westphal tried to discipline the upstart younger Cousins, and Keith Smart went out of his way to try and be a mentor to him, which Cousins also balked at. Cousins just wants a coach, that's how Malone treated him, and now he's gone.

Cousins is said to be distrustful of outsiders, so getting him to buy into a new coach (as we outlined here) is going to be tough. The Kings trusted Malone. That's a big deal in the NBA. How the Kings manage to salvage this, not only with the public, but with a locker room that didn't foster or support a change, is going to be difficult.