In this episode of the CBS Sports NBA podcast, we check in on early-season surprises and disappointments, including the Warriors, Rockets, Anthony Davis and the Hawks. NBA writer James Herbert and editor Brad Botkin join the show to talk about what they didn't expect, and what they did, to start the 2016-17 season.
• We talk the Bulls and their good start at the 2:28 mark. Can Dwyane Wade keep knocking down 3-pointers?
• The Hawks started off red hot before Tuesday's slip, how is this team so good after that offsseason? (10:50 mark.)
• The Magic are bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. (14:20 mark.)
• The Warriors were struggling when we recorded this before their breakout game Tuesday. It still has some relevant conversation on their season as a whole. Did Tuesday's win vs. Portland fix these issues? Let us know in the comments.
You can download the podcast directly here.
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