For point of reference, this is what Jayson Werth looks like these days (courtesy of AP) ... 


Yet it wasn't always so. Time was when Mr. Werth was respectably shorn and respectably bespectacled. And therein lies the challenge -- the Jayson Werth Photo Challenge

Below are two photos (courtesy of The Victory Formation and Something Less Pretentious) placed in haunting and confusing proximity to one another. One is of a young Jayson Werth, with the world and all its possibilities laid out before his resolute eyes. The other is of Aussie thespian Guy Pearce in character as Edmund J. Exley from the (rather awesome) movie L.A. Confidential.

Which is which? Not even the celestial powers above know. Not even Jayson Werth knows ... 

Werth or Pearce?

Confused? Of course you are. Some puzzles -- like the Problem of Evil or the Prisoner's Dilemma or, lo, the Jayson Werth Photo Challenge -- are never to be solved. And so it is that no human can possibly divine which is young Jayson Werth and which is Australian actor Guy Pearce dressed up and mugging like Edmund J. Exley. 

Now carry on with your evening, newly encumbered by the limits of human perception.  

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