You’ll recall that the New York Yankees, baseball club and frowning valets to staid corporatism, recently forced outfield/grown damn man Clint Frazier to cut what had been a resplendent thicket of ginger, presumably so Randy Levine wouldn’t take Victorian-era offense at what he beheld ... 

This is objectively stupid, of course, but what’s done is done. Thankfully, Truman’s Gentleman’s Groomers of New York City is here to help the afflicted Mr. Frazier feel better about the Yankees’ insistence on helicopter parenting ... 

Yep, free haircuts with all the fixins for as long as Frazier is a Yankee. Maybe that doesn’t make up for Randy Levine’s using your personal autonomy as a wet wipe, but it’s a pretty generous offer. Clint, as long as you must do this, do it right -- i.e., for free.