Mountain biker Valentin Anouih successfully jumped over the peloton during the Tour de France, living out his childhood dream. 


My road gap of Tour de France 2019! Orange Bikes Hope Technology Ltd P2V Team

Posted by Valentin Anouilh on Monday, July 15, 2019

During Stage 10 of the race, the 21-year-old was seen flying through the sky, E.T. style.

Anouih told USA Today/For The Win Outdoors that he and his friends worked for six months to be ready for the jump. Every week they trained, practicing jumps and took two weeks just to construct the launch and landing areas. 

"The jump was calculated to the hundredth ready. My friends and I prepared everything perfectly for the time of the jump," Anouih said. "Training was great and the leap was perfect. A success." 

He noted who his inspiration was saying, "It was a childhood dream of mine since seeing Dave Watson's jump." 

Watson was the first person to ever jump over the peloton back in 2003, but did not have a smooth a landing as Anouih. Alexis Bosson had a clean jump last year between Annecy to Grand Bornand. Anouih's jump was between Saint-Flour and Albi. 

Some were not thrilled with the jump saying it put people's lives in danger. The video was posted to Facebook and people did not hold back when it came to the comments. Some did come to the defense of the mountain biker who said he was disappointed at the backlash.