Julia "Hurricane" Hawkins is showing everyone that age is just a number. Now 105, "Hurricane" is taking the track and field world by storm. On Saturday, she became the first female track and field athlete and first American to set a world record in the 100-meter dash for her age group of 105+. She ran it it in 1:02.95.
After her historic run at the 2021 Louisiana Senior Games competition, she spoke to USA Today about the importance of staying active and her perspective on being an inspiration to others.
Here's what Hawkins had to say, via USA Today:
"The older you get, the more passions you ought to have... Keeping active is one of my most important passions ... I keep thinking, 'Why am I left here?' Why haven't I been called by now?' People say that they want to be just like me when they grow up... And I think if I can please people and give them hope, then it's worth living longer."
Hawkins added that a highlight of her life has been racing.
"I believe in magic moments, thinking of things that you see and do and feel that more than just usual. They're absolutely out of this world, they're so unusual. And wonderful," she said. "Every time I race it's a magic moment."
Hawkins began competing in sprints five years ago at the ripe age of 100. According to the National Senior Games, in 2017 she set a world record for the 100-meter dash for the 100-104 age group with a time of just over 39 seconds.
She could make even more history at the upcoming National Senior Games, which take place in Florida in May 2022. Hawkins is not set on competing in those games, yet, though. However, with her time on Saturday, she did qualify for the event.
"She has time to decide, and we aren't pressing for an answer," National Senior Games Association Media Director Del Moon said. "As usual, Julia Hawkins calls her own shots and will wait for the right time to decide if and how her track career will go on."