Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
C. Moore G Chance Moore G 12 12 34.4 15.8 67 133 50.4 16 48 33.3 39 60 65.0
M. Council Jr. G Melvin Council Jr. G 12 12 32.5 13.2 62 144 43.1 18 50 36.0 16 18 88.9
N. Brown C Noel Brown C 12 12 28.8 12.2 58 88 65.9 0 3 0.0 30 37 81.1
D. Bowen G Dasonte Bowen G 10 10 31.1 11.1 34 80 42.5 4 19 21.1 39 50 78.0
L. Jones G Lajae Jones G 12 11 29.6 9.3 38 75 50.7 13 31 41.9 22 28 78.6
J. Hinton G Jonah Hinton G 12 2 18.6 6.8 26 77 33.8 16 53 30.2 14 16 87.5
D. Thompson F Duane Thompson F 11 1 8.5 2.0 7 29 24.1 5 18 27.8 3 10 30.0
M. Rose G Miles Rose G 3 0 3.3 1.7 2 4 50.0 1 1 100.0 0 0
M. Folarin C Michael Folarin C 10 0 7.8 1.4 7 13 53.8 0 0 0 0
X. Wedlow F Xander Wedlow F 10 0 4.9 1.3 6 8 75.0 0 0 1 2 50.0
J. Edwards G Jaxon Edwards G 5 0 7.2 1.2 3 6 50.0 0 2 0.0 0 2 0.0
N. Bolanga G Noah Bolanga G 11 0 8.7 0.8 4 26 15.4 1 18 5.6 0 4 0.0
Team 12 72.2 314 683 46.0 74 243 30.5 164 227 72.2
Opponents 12 60.3 259 664 39.0 91 299 30.4 114 166 68.7

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
C. Moore G Chance Moore G 12 12 28 62 90 7.5 18 1.50 17 1.40
L. Jones G Lajae Jones G 12 11 16 48 64 5.3 18 1.50 13 1.10
M. Council Jr. G Melvin Council Jr. G 12 12 13 49 62 5.2 29 2.40 2 0.20
N. Brown C Noel Brown C 12 12 23 32 55 4.6 5 0.40 7 0.60
D. Bowen G Dasonte Bowen G 10 10 8 30 38 3.8 20 2.00 1 0.10
M. Folarin C Michael Folarin C 10 0 8 19 27 2.7 4 0.40 5 0.50
J. Edwards G Jaxon Edwards G 5 0 3 8 11 2.2 4 0.80 1 0.20
J. Hinton G Jonah Hinton G 12 2 5 15 20 1.7 6 0.50 1 0.10
D. Thompson F Duane Thompson F 11 1 2 12 14 1.3 1 0.10 1 0.10
N. Bolanga G Noah Bolanga G 11 0 5 9 14 1.3 4 0.40 0 0.00
X. Wedlow F Xander Wedlow F 10 0 3 2 5 0.5 0 0.00 1 0.10
M. Rose G Miles Rose G 3 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Team 12 132 305 474 39.5 109 9.10 49 4.10
Opponents 12 115 266 416 34.7 70 5.80 31 2.60

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
D. Bowen G Dasonte Bowen G 10 10 42 4.2 23 2.3 1.8
M. Council Jr. G Melvin Council Jr. G 12 12 39 3.3 22 1.8 1.8
J. Hinton G Jonah Hinton G 12 2 16 1.3 13 1.1 1.2
C. Moore G Chance Moore G 12 12 9 0.8 22 1.8 0.4
L. Jones G Lajae Jones G 12 11 9 0.8 8 0.7 1.1
N. Bolanga G Noah Bolanga G 11 0 9 0.8 4 0.4 2.3
J. Edwards G Jaxon Edwards G 5 0 3 0.6 4 0.8 0.8
N. Brown C Noel Brown C 12 12 7 0.6 17 1.4 0.4
M. Rose G Miles Rose G 3 0 1 0.3 0 0.0
D. Thompson F Duane Thompson F 11 1 2 0.2 5 0.5 0.4
X. Wedlow F Xander Wedlow F 10 0 1 0.1 5 0.5 0.2
M. Folarin C Michael Folarin C 10 0 1 0.1 6 0.6 0.2
Team 12 139 11.6 137 11.4 1.0
Opponents 12 137 11.4 171 14.3 0.8
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