Whenever an NFL team loses a quarterback to injury, it seems like one of the first names that fans always bring up as a possible replacement is Brett Favre.

Despite the fact that Favre's 46 years old, there's a lot of fans out there who wish that Favre was the quarterback for their team.

Take Cowboys fans for example. No Tony Romo? No problem. Bring in Favre.

Don't forget about Rams fans.

And for Browns fans who can't stand Johnny Football or Josh McCown? Easy fix. Bring in Favre.

The Texans could solve all their problems with one phone call. Call Favre.

For all the 49ers fans getting tired of watching Blaine Gabbert, there's only one answer: Favre.

So what does Favre have left in the tank?

By his own admission, not much.

The former Packers quarterback visited the The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon this week and during the visit, Fallon had Favre test his accuracy by throwing footballs at some flying plates. Things did not go well.

I should probably point out that Favre seemed like he didn't really want to be playing Fallon's game, but he did it anyway.

During the game. Fallon would throw a plate in the air and then Favre would try and hit it from about 15 feet away.

The first throw missed by a good five feet, as you can see below. The top arrow is the football, the bottom arrow is the plate.

Fallon was kind enough to point out that not everyone always does so bad at this game. "We did this once before with Drew Brees and he holds the record," Fallon said. "He smashed three of them."

Favre wasn't impressed. "He's a much more accurate passer than me," Favre said. "I throw it harder."

Favre ended up drilling one plate and barely hitting another. It could've gone worse though -- he could have hit none of them.

Favre's explanation for his struggles, "I haven't thrown in five years."

That being said, I guess I can kind of see what those fans are thinking. Based only on the five throws he made with Fallon, Favre still looks better than any healthy quarterback on the rosters of the Cowboys, Browns, 49ers, Rams or Texans.

You can see the entire segment below.