The last time we saw Brett Favre slinging footballs, he was firing inaccurate lasers on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" in December. That lackluster outing finally appeared to end the question that's barely lingered since Favre's last NFL snap in 2010: No, he's not coming back for one more ride.

Except in typical Favre fashion, he followed up that dismal performance with one that left a Super Bowl winning coach impressed. Seriously, look at Jon Gruden's face after one of Favre's fastballs:

Think Jon Gruden liked what he saw from Brett Favre? YouTube: NFL

In an episode that'll air at 7 p.m ET Thursday night on ESPN, Favre, 46, appeared on "Gruden's QB Camp." And in the preview for that episode, it's clear just how much Gruden loves Favre.

In 105 seconds, Gruden found the time to squeeze in the following phrases:

  • It's so pretty
  • That's good for TV
  • Oh god, it's so beautiful
  • Beautiful
  • I love it, I love it
  • Brett, it's so beautiful
  • I like to feel the wrath

Gruden even called him "1995 vintage Favre."

"It's amazing how those guys remember almost every single play like it was yesterday," Gruden told ESPN. "He was walking into the huddle at the gym calling, 'Red left switch, Z right, sprint right, G.U. corner, halfback flat.' He remembered all of them. It was awesome.

"I was his signal guy for three years, so I would signal the play and he had to memorize the formation. So I was signaling from the sideline in gym, and he was calling the plays in the huddle with a bunch of guys he never met, and it looked like 1995 vintage Favre."

Still, the comeback isn't happening -- even if the Jets desperately need a quarterback. Favre gave Gruden a simple reason for that.

"Throwing ain't the problem," Favre said in the video. "I don't want to get hit."

Instead, Favre is enjoying a summer that'll be capped with his Hall of Fame ceremony in August, for which -- as of last month -- he still hasn't written his speech. Favre will also be honored at halftime of the Packers' game against the Cowboys on Oct. 16, which should sound familiar considering the Packers already hosted Brett Favre Night at halftime of their Thanksgiving loss to the Bears last season.

So either the Packers believe Favre's career is worthy of two halftime celebrations or they're just doing everything in their power to wipe away the memory of that stunning loss.