The Royals, winners of the 2015 World Series and owners of the belt and the title, celebrated with pretty much the entire lower Midwest on Tuesday. The highlight of "extemporaneous speaking" portion of the World Series parade was probably veteran outfielder Jonny Gomes.

The Royals acquired Gomes on the last day of the waiver period, and he batted just 34 times for them down the stretch. As well, he wasn't on the postseason roster for KC. That said, Gomes most assuredly filled a "spirit animal" role for the champs, as was in evidence when he took and thereupon rocked the mic ...

The people? They are inspired and ready to follow this man to battle and or the gates of hell.

Forthcoming: A photographic image that is at once unrelated and decidedly related ...


There were other highlights. For instance, World Series MVP Salvador Perez drinking it in ...

And franchise luminary George Brett anointed the 2015 model as the best in Royals history ...

And Edinson Volquez declared that they'd do it again in 2016 ...

Given the personal courage he showed in Game 5, why doubt him?

Take a bow, Royals. As many bows you want. You, too, Gomes ...