Did you wake up this morning under the impression that the Crying Jordan meme was no longer a prominent part of the zeitgeist? If so, then this is at least one time in your life when you’ve been demonstrably wrong.  

Even if you don’t realize it, you and all others have been silently braying and praying for a Crying Jordan softball uniform to be a thing that exists. Lo, that day has come. A buccaneering sum buck by the name of Brian Havrilla has -- boldly and for the people -- named his softball team the Crying Jordans, and best of all has designed and given birth to appropriate uniforms. Here are the relevant images via sports aggregator Darren Rovell ... 

And the people say: “Mass-produce these and do so posthaste!”

It of course remains to be seen how the Crying Jordans fare on the softball fields of this fair land, but they’ve already won the most important championship and all -- the belt and title of our hearts.